Pretty in Pink by Jann Alexander ©2014
Ahhhh spring blooms. So lovely, so many masquerading as weeds. If the tenacious, thorny Texas thistle didn’t beguile us with its huge pink pom-pom of a flower, would we ever tolerate its presence? Thistles are now blooming in unsuspecting central Texas yards and fields, causing gape-mouthed cries from those who didn’t think nature could present such a neon pink color among its cloak of many colors. Well yes she can, and does, at this time of year in Austin and the surrounding countryside. And yes, we detest thistle. But before we do, we surely do love its hot pink blooms.
Outer Space Flower ©2014
Reasons to leave thistle be:
Bumblebees love it
Painted-lady butterfly larvae feed on it
Goldfinches line their nests with it
Before it blooms, it looks like it came from outer space
Not convinced? Thistle can be persuasive: it will stick you, prick you and stab you, just to make its point. ♣
Got a favorite weed masquerading as a flower? Do tell.
To learn more about Texas thistles (AKA Cirsium texanum Buckley), Ask Mr. Smarty Pants.
About to Burst by Jann Alexander ©2014