Does Beer Make Others More Interesting?

Drink Miller by Jann Alexander ©2014
Drink Miller by Jann Alexander ©2014

Pop Beer Quiz!

Pop a beer to answer a few questions about it on this holiest of beer-drinking days.

  1. Does anyone (other than bikers) still drink Miller?
  2. Does anyone besides Texans remember drinking Pearl beer?
  3. Have you ever loved a Pennsylvania beer besides Rolling Rock? Was it Genesee?
  4. Is Lone Star really the Texas state beer?
  5. Can you walk to Wiggy’s, if you haven’t drunk too many Lone Stars?
  6. Would you really drink beer with fried pies? Frog legs? Breakfast?
  7. Does beer actually make others more interesting?

Your answers will be kept strictly confidential. But Little Woodrow’s said it best, didn’t it? Welcome to the National Day of Beer Drinking, which occurs every Saturday when college football is on, and no doubt on many other days too. Enjoy my homage of signs to the cold ones. Or to making others more interesting. 

There are plenty more signs in my ongoing Vanishing Austin series, and many of them are unrelated to beer. You can admire them in a slideshow, and even buy them, starting at $45, HERE

What’s your favorite beer?

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No Comments

  1. This post, comments included, has made me laugh! The question for me now is can I find Lone Star beer in California? I’m on a mission now.

      1. Neither. Just get my hands on a cold Lone Star during NorCal’s last (I hope) heat wave, and get a taste of home. I have posted for help on Facebook from my Cali beer swilling friends.

  2. Miller…it was the beer of choice when my friends and I were underage and experimenting with drinking. I have, of course, evolved to walk upright.

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