Road Trippin' by Jann Alexander © 2014

What’s Your Creative Personality?

Do you recognize your creative personality from among these eight types?

Road Trippin' by Jann Alexander © 2014
Road Trippin’ by Jann Alexander © 2014

The Traveling Creative: Writer Patrick Ross on road tripping that led to a creative memoir.

“Daily interaction with passionate and generous individuals leading authentic, art-committed lives . . . inspires longing to lead a similar life.”


The Persistent Creative: Professor and author David Burkus on why success requires more than bursts of creativity.

“It’s not enough for people to learn how to be more creative; they also need to be persistent through the rejection they might face.”


Be Inspired to Create
Be Inspired to Create

The 10-Minute Creative: Artist Maria Gatling on finding inspiration 52 weeks of the year in short daily bursts.

“Most people value creativity but don’t know how to practice it. “


The Productive Creative: Creative consultant Todd Henry on organizing material and refining the process of writing books.

“The most important part of writing is doing the writing.”



Not So Negative Space by Jann Alexander © 2013
Not So Negative Space by Jann Alexander © 2013

The Positive Creative: Designer Speider Schneider on the meaning of negative space, and why is it deemed negative?

“Negative space has purpose and function. How can that be ‘negative’?”


The Fashionable Creative: Strategist and speaker Scott Ginsberg on how adopting a uniform, talisman or think map impacts creative esteem.

“Every creator needs a uniform. A wearable identity totem that prompts a work mindset and sets a tone that says to your brain, work happens now.”



An app for The Caffeinated Creative: Coffitivity
An app for The Caffeinated Creative: Coffitivity

The Caffeinated Creative: Writer Stacey Kole on how coffee-shop-buzz may boost creativity and yes, there’s an app for that.

“Coffee-house visits [are] extra productive, but studies show that it may not be the beans that get your creative juices flowing.”


The Constant Creative: My take on chronic creativity and unintended consequences when you can’t pick just one.

“Like a parent with many children, I’d find it hard to name a favorite among my creative passions—Art, Design, Photography, Writing, Technology, Web, Social Media, Marketing, Blogging. I think my days are a success when they’re all playing nicely together.”


Does your creativity flow with travel, persistence, inspiration, productivity, positivity, fashion, caffeine or just constantly? Or is there something else that pushes you to create?

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  1. What a great post! I love what you do with images and quotes, putting it simply and clearly. You are so good at that. Thanks for including me 🙂

  2. Well, I definitely recognize the traveling creative! Thanks for including me and a link to my forthcoming book, Jann. I also identify with the persistent and productive creatives, although I’ll confess that my persistence isn’t always productive.

  3. This is a fantastic post! I have to think my creativity personality is a little bit of them all…is that sort of like Monkey Brain Creativity? You don’t have to answer that 🙂 Thanks for the intro to Maria Gatling! I’ve wandered off into her blog just now and facebook page…I’ve been missing out big time.

  4. I think about this as well from time to time.

    I know that my mind needs frequent creative stimulation throughout the day, or I end up getting grumpy and feeling utterly worthless. Having a website that I post new content to at least once per day really helps to keep me mentally engaged and on my toes, and thinking about what I’m next going to upload for public consumption keeps me going throughout the day.

    Good post!

    1. Thanks Mitch, glad to hear about what fuels your creative personality. I’d have to add these characteristics to mine, too. I think that makes us The Needy Utilitarian Creatives.

  5. I haven’t figured out the right words for my creativity inspirations beyond travel. Maybe just simply reflection on past fused with present.

      1. Doesn’t creativity involve some reflection, by default? Anyone, the category, though I don’t see it in your blog post, sounds good. 🙂

  6. I think I’m the fashionable creative! I have to always tell myself “work starts now”, otherwise it may be difficult to get started… 🙂 Nice post!!!

  7. I think that’s why I enjoy blogging is a great vehicle and intersection of multiple creative loves for me –art, photography, writing, travel, fusing memory with dream. Beyond that, I’m not quite sure what my creative personality. I would like to think part of my life that I’ve lived is fusing different cultural influences into 1 integrated whole, that my career which is actually blend of interdisciplinary information management, very fast creative problem-solving on your feet beyond what the client can see: I am a librarian by training. I have an English Literature university degree plus library sciences but have worked in engineering and law fields for over 2 decades: such exposure opens up the brain to different ways of thinking and perceiving the world. One sees how different the creativity of engineers is….compared to fine /visual artists.

    The big joke among civil engineers: they are failed architects..they originally wanted to be architects.

  8. Clearly I am a travelling creative…I do literally travel elsewhere and within my own city to see new things or see same thing in new light/weather conditions, etc. as a source of inspiration.

    I’m not sure I’m a constant creative but I do enjoy photography…in a slack kind of way since I don’t have professional equipment, blogging/writing and doing art.I do enjoy the convergency and synergies of these 3 areas of creativity for myself. But it’s not constant…at least not for now. Partially due to having a full-time job and part laziness.

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