Yummy Enough to Eat, But Far Better to Collect

Austin, Texas artist Lynn Bridge says she got inspired to create mosaic plates “one day when I was eating lunch, and was thinking about which cultures would think my food was inedible. Not everyone thinks a peanut butter sandwich is acceptable food! I immediately went into my studio and made a mosaic plate suggestive of food that North Americans would not generally consider edible. After that, I could not stop thinking about food and its effects on our taste, our associations and our self-image. Subsequent mosaic plates have been comments on these thoughts, or they have been metaphors for other aspects of life.”

I’ll take Lynn’s word for it that her plates have deep, inner meanings. But to me, they’re just plain delightful to look at. Creative as all get out. And so real, in fact, that they even seem edible.


When Houston, Texas hosts the American Mosaic Summit from April 30—May 4, Lynn Bridge will be one of 500 international artists attending. Texas mosaicists are putting out their finery, and showing their newest decorative and fine art mosaic works at 18 Hands Gallery, in an exhibition that opens today, April 17, and runs through May 4.

Look for Lynn Bridge and her mosaic plates at the Opening Reception on Saturday, April 26, from  6-9 pm, at 18 Hands Gallery, Houston. You’ll recognize her from her mosaic Self-Portrait in an Eccentric Mood.

Here’s Lynn’s online gallery to enjoy: Lynn Bridge at Glencliff Art Studio

Which is your favorite mosaic plate? Or did you actually think these were edible?


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  1. Jann, I can’t thank you enough for promoting my work and our gallery show. Your blog posts are so dynamic that I am in awe of your skill.

  2. Fantastic ideas – and what a creative form of expression. Intriguing thoughts and displays about food – body images – cultural perspectives and such. These plates are beautiful enough on their own – but they do look edible as well. Certainly provides an new concept of 3-D art nouveau cuisine. 🙂

      1. It would be so fascinating to visit the exhibit – but I suppose I’ll just be grateful for the post and perhaps search out some more interesting mosaic art. 🙂

        1. Pat, thank you for your kind words about my art. I am looking forward to this show, but my work is always available online (except the plates in the show would need to be sold through the gallery during the length of the show) for viewing and purchase. You may contact me through my website http://lynnbridge.com. If you are close to Austin, Texas, you can see all kinds of mosaic art showing in the front window of Krugers Diamond Jewelers at 8th and Congress Avenue! This art is for sale by members of the Austin Mosaic Guild.

          1. Thanks for the additional info Lynn. I will definitely have to view your works online – I live in Canada – but maybe one day I’ll make it to Texas – in the mean time, I’ll visit this way.

            Your works are truly fascinating … and I hope you have a grand showing and that your works are appreciated 🙂

          2. Pat, we are having the annual Society of American Mosaic Artists conference next week. It’s in Houston this year, and we have a lot of Canadian members who come for the conferences. It is fun to see old friends from all over the world, really, each year at the conferences.

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